Everyone is still asleep in my house as it is only a little before 7 am. I love my quiet time in the morning before anyone gets up in the house.
So lets see, this week I got quite a bit done regarding the cleaning up of my garden and getting it ready for the summer. My foxglove and Aster are so nice and leafy green already, I am really looking forward to those blooms this year, plus my hollyhock will be blooming for the first time this year as well as the foxglove. I will be able to take some nice pictures of my products with those lovely additions.
I cleaned out the gardens and turned over the soil. I had to redo the rock border as they got messy over the winter. Last summer on one of our trips to the beach I collected a big bucket of beautiful beach stones to use for the garden border. I so love the way the garden looks using them to border it. I plan on extending the garden quite a bit this year so another trip to the beach "looking for treasures" (my youngest and I call it that) is needed. My oldest daughter found me a beautiful piece of purple sea glass last year for my sea glass collection, my only purple piece yet. I am hoping to get up to the beach soon before the tourists start arriving and the treasure pickings get slim.
My new sproutlets are growing nicely indoors and I look forward to adding new flowers and herbs. I started some more White Sage and Rosemary. I already have that growing but not enough, so this year I started them from seeds. They are a bit slower growing then the rest but they are coming along.
This year I started the following from seeds as well:
Forget-me-nots, Portulaca, Red Cypress Vines, California Poppy (orange), Shasta Daisy, Cleome, Gypsophila, Statice, Phlox and a pot of Ornamental Grass.
From bulbs so far I have: Gladiolus, Sparaxis, Acidantheral and Brodiacea.
I still have a bunch of packets that I haven't started yet but most of them I am going to start right in the garden in another few weeks.
Here are some pics of what I have so far:
As you can see, nothing fancy. I use whatever I can to start the seeds in and keep them in my downstairs window where they get tons of sun and the temps are cool.

Here is my Foxglove so far:

Clematis buds:

In this picture of my youngest daughter you can see my Aster in the background as well as my other lovies. Aster is one of my favorites and is wonderful to add to any herbal or flower mixture honoring the Goddess and Faeries.

So that is what I have been up to this week...:) I better log off as my Bella will be waking up soon to see what the Bunny left for her.
Brightest Blessings all,
The Celtic Witch